Survey of Infestation Level of Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, on Different Vegetable Crops

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

Project Code:
Not Available

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Phase 2

Not Available



Lead University:

Other Partners:
BARI (Bangladesh); Penn State, Virginia Tech (US)

Principal Investigator(s):
S.N. Alam, M. Ziaur Rahman, M.A. Maleque (BARI), A.N.M.R. Karim (IPM CRSP/Virginia Tech), E. Rajotte (Penn State), and G. Luther (Virginia Tech)

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
S.N. Alam, M. Ziaur Rahman, M.A. Maleque (BARI), A.N.M.R. Karim (IPM CRSP/Virginia Tech), E. Rajotte (Penn State), and G. Luther (Virginia Tech)


Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and other sucking insects have appeared to be serious problems on a number

of vegetable crops and farmers are frequently applying insecticides on the vegetable crops without knowing the pests, their infestation levels or damage potential. This project sought to gain knowledge of their incidence patterns and damage intensity, and identification of susceptible vegetables will lead to determine appropriate researchable issues for developing IPM practices.


To determine the incidence,pattern and infestation levels of whiteflyand other sucking pest insects on different vegetable crops, identify their damage variability and susceptibility, and identify appropriate researchable issues for developing IPM practices in vegetable crops.


The incidence patterns of whitefly, aphids and jassids on eggplant, tomato and country bean varied among crops as well as locations. These pests are important as transmitters of various virus diseases, which limit satisfactory production of the tested vegetables. Since virus-resistant varieties are not available, development of appropriate IPM practices is necessary.

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