Evaluation of soil pH-Percent base saturation relationships for use in estimating the lime requirements of earthen aquaculture ponds

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James R. Bowman; James E. Lannan

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Journal of the World Aquaculture Society

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: The pH-percent base saturation relationships of selected subsurface soil horizons were evaluated by fitting theoretical and empirical models to published soils data. The selected models were validated by fitting them to an independent set of data. The selected models did not fit the second set of data as well as the original data, but they provide initial approximations for use in cases when real values can’t be measured. Possible reasons for the poorer fit to the second data set are discussed. One possibility for increasing the range of soils to which suitable pH-percent base saturation models can be fit is to refine the soil classification system being used. Valid pH-percent base saturation models can be combined with on-site soil pH measurements and typical cation exchange capacity values to estimate aquaculture pond lime requirements on a broad range of soil types in the field i.e., without reliance on laboratory analyses.

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