The Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP-sponsored proceedings of the third conference on the culture of tilapias at high elevations in Africa

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

Karen Veverica

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP, Oregon State University

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Corvallis, OR


Abstract: This was the third conference of its kind to be held for Rwanda, Burundi, and Kivu province in the east part of Zaire. High elevation was understood to be greater than 1,000 meters. During the conference, country reports were presented describing the extension service and providing technical data following a list of points included in the conference invitation. Technical papers on rice-fish culture and extension strategy were presented from Burundi. Papers on rabbit-fish culture, composting regimes, elevation-related tilapia production and tilapia-clarias polyculture were presented from Rwanda. Kivu province presented a paper on the Zaire Peace Corps fish culture sustainable extension service. Attendees included ministry personnel, university professors, FAO personnel, university students, Peace Corps volunteers, station managers, model farmers, extension and training specialists, and some trainees.

The organization and operation of the extension services in all three countries were compared. Fish culture extension has been assured mainly by Peace Corps volunteers in Zaire, with very few Zairian counterparts on hand. In Rwanda, although some Peace Corps volunteers have recently commenced activities in fish culture, Rwandese extension agents are responsible for all fish culture extension. Burundi is in the midst of re-vamping its fish culture extension service. It previously relied on Peace Corps volunteers but now has funding to train its own extension agents. However, Burundi presently has a freeze on hiring for government jobs and has opted to use extension agents already working in other domains such as forestry. A very lively discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each country’s extension service took place. All three countries have active farmer training programs.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Veverica, K., 1997. The PD/A CRSP–Sponsored Proceedings of the Third Conference on the Culture of Tilapias at High Elevations in Africa. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments Research and Development Series No. 42, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, 26 pp.

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