Ten-year simulations of organic matter concentrations in tropical aquaculture ponds using the multiple pool modeling approach

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Daniel M. Jamu; Raul H. Piedrahita

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Aquaculture Engineering

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: The accumulation rate of organic matter has been used to develop guidelines on sediment management in tropical aquaculture ponds. However, there is conflicting evidence as to the rate of sediment organic matter accumulation and whether steady state concentrations are achieved in the short term (<10 years) in aquaculture ponds. A simulation study using the multiple pool modeling approach (Multi-G model) was conducted to determine the long-term dynamics of sediment organic matter and to establish whether steady state concentrations could be achieved in tropical aquaculture ponds. The Multi-G model, which recognizes the existence of different organic matter pools, each with its own decay rate constant was run as a sub-model of an integrated aquaculture

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