Live Diets for Pacu Larvae Tested in Peru

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

William N. Camargo; Christopher C. Kohler; Susan T. Kohler; Melyna Silva P.; Fernando Alcantara B.; Cesar Sias A.; Palmira P. Padilla

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Aquaculture Advocate

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: The results of a study in Peru that evaluated three food sources for larval C.macropomum and P. brachypomus indicated that although Artemia are a more readily available and reliable larval food source, Moina sp. appear to be a cost-effective substitute for use in the Amazon Basin.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Camargo, W.N., C.C. Kohler, S.T. Kohler, F.B. Alcantara, C.A. Sias, and M.P. Silva, 2005. Live diets for pacu larvae tested in Peru. Aquaculture Advocate. (Magazine Article). Dec. 2005. 8:78-80.

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