A Cornell initiative to promote food security and rural livelihoods in Zambia: The food processing component


S. Moraru

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This presentation gives an Overview of the Cornell project in Zambia with respect to the issues surrounding food processing. The presentation uses many pictures to convey the current situation and work currently being conducted. Currently in the Luangwa Valley, there are a number of issues affecting the ability to have successful food production and processing. The following are those issues:

-Vital for wildlife-based tourism -20-60% of households are food insecure -42% of food insecure families poach -Annual loss of 3000-4000 animals in the Valley alone -Others plant cotton and tobacco, which leads to: -Deforestation -Pesticides -Poverty cycle -HIV -Gender inequality Also, this presentation highlights the work of the COMACO and Cornell/WCS projects in their work promoting food security and rural livelihoods.

Also Presented in Food Science Undergraduate Seminar, Cornell University, Spring 2008

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented at a seminar to Cornell's Food Science Department, Ithaca, NY, 25 September 2007

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