Market opportunity identification of VAF products by rapid market appraisal (RMA) methodology.


I. Kurniawan; J. Roshetko; D. Anggakusuma; L. Dahlia

Type of Document:


World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Bogor, Indonesia


Abstract: The success of marketing smallholder is affected by the ability of the producers to identify and estimate market demand. It is common problem that most of producers receive unexpected low prices selling their products. Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA) is a method to collect reliable market information in short period, which is cheaper than conventional market survey. The method helps to provide a quick understand of complex market relationships to guide the producer decisions regarding orientating their production towards market opportunities.

The RMA method was applied in Nanggung s VAF (vegetable agroforestry) products to help and guide smallholder farmers select the vegetable species with the highest market potential. The appraisal was implemented in a seven step process. Step 1, selection locally produced vegetable where demand exceeded supply, the indigenous vegetables: Katuk (Sauropus androgynus), Kucai leaves (Allium odorum), Honje or ginger bud (Etlingera spp.) and Tebu Telor/Trubuk (Saccharum officinarum). Step 2, literature review/desk study to identify criteria of product selection (technical, investment required, risk). Step 3, determine the objectives and target customers. Step 4, conduct a field survey and interview key market agents to collect market information for comparison with secondary data. Step 5 field visits to sites the practices best VAF management was held to give farmers opportunity to discuss management with success farmers.. Step 6, the results of steps 1 to 5 were shared and discussed with a larger number of farmer group members. Step 7, develop a marketing plan and strategy to achieve the objectives and target. The RMA process is iterative to keep aware of market dynamics.

The appraisal found that Katuk and Kucai have good prices that tend to increase over time and that supply is still lower than the demand, especially in Jakarta markets. Through steps 4 and 5, farmers have contacted a trader interested in collaborating and initiated a market linkage with regional markets.

Also Presented in SANREM-TMPEGS EEP Meeting, Bogor, Indonesia, 29 May 2008

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented in ICRAF Katuk Vegetable Post Harvest Training, Nanggung, Bogor, Indonesia 2 June 2008

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