Social capital and improved NRM


K. Moore; S. Cisse

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


CABI Press

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
London, UK


In chapter 16, Moore et al. address the issue of social capital as a factor of development within Malian civil society. Social capital is investigated with a focus on embedded and autonomous social relations at the commune and village levels. Using household survey data from the Commune of Madiama, they investigate the extent to which the NRMAC provides a social infrastructure on which to build community-level social capital. The analysis demonstrates the importance of building on traditionally valued social relationships and combining them with linkages across groups for the management of conflict situations. They conclude that the NRMAC does indeed provide a platform for building inter-ethnic and multivillage social capital.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Moore, K. and S. Cisse. 2004. In Press. Social Capital and Improved NRM. In Moore, K. (ed.) Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources. CABI Press, London, UK.

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