Vegetable agroforestry – technology: Annual report


M.C. Palada

Type of Document:
Project Document


AVRDC- The World Vegetable Center

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Tainan, Taiwan


In Taiwan, field evaluation of vegetable species and varieties under Agroforestry system continued at AVRDC Organic Farm. Six vegetables (cauliflower, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, sweet corn and yard long bean) were grown during the fall-winter season (October to December 2007) and winter-spring (January to March 2008) season. Vegetables were grown between tree hedgerows (alleys) and in control plots (no trees). Organic fertilizers (compost) were superimposed as sub-treatments. Varieties within vegetable species were compared in terms of growth and yield performance. Results indicated that yield response of vegetables to organic fertilizer application varied according to species and the type and combination of organic fertilizer applied.

In the Philippines, an assessment of VAF systems was conducted in Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines, covering 21 farms, two agroforestry systems, six tree species, eight vegetables and four aspects. Data collected were tree parameters, spatial performance of vegetables, and spatial light transmission. Adaptability indices of different types of vegetables to varying degree of light transmission as influenced by the tree hedge were also determined. Drip irrigation and tree root pruning were looked at their effect on bell pepper productivity and VAF net complementarity. Among the commercial vegetables, tomato, carrots and Chinese cabbage were having the highest percent increase in yield (PY) under tree based system. Leafy vegetables were amaranthus (TOT 2272), jute (TOT 6667), and basella (TOT 5274); climbing vegetables was yard long bean (TVO 2141), eggplant (S00-633) and Okra for fruit vegetables, and Malunggay (Moringa oleifera), Alekway and Katuray for indigenous vegetables.

In Vietnam, major activities conducted include the implementation of the experiments and on-farm trials with drip irrigation on vegetables, termite control in young cacao planting, experiment with shade-tolerant indigenous root crop under cashew and vegetables grown under different light regimes, drip irrigation on perennial crop, review of policy related to VAF and stakeholder discussion, conducting field survey on integrated crop and pest management and policy, and preparing research Abstracts and posters for the annual SANREM meeting.

In Indonesia, trials were conducted to determine the effect of different fertilizers and plant spacing (population) on growth and yield of several indigenous vegetables.

Additional Bibliographic Information

LTRA-5 Progress Report

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