Agroforestry and sustainable vegetable in Southeast Asian watersheds: Indonesia


Trikoesoemaningtyas; H. Puspitawati

Type of Document:
Project Document


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Bogor, Indonesia


Summary: In Year Three, TMPEGS Indonesia focused on Implementation. The Activity of the Gender Team in Year Three was action research based on findings from the Gender Baseline Study in Year One and Gender Analysis in Year Two. The objectives for the year three activities are (1) to improve gender awareness among formal and informal village leaders, and (2) to facilitate women participation in vegetable production under VAF system. For the first objectives, BAU Gender team conducted two Gender Awareness workshops in Nanggung sub District. For the second objectives, the BAU Gender team conducted trainings and developed a program of saving and loans to strengthen women farmer groups and to provide access to production input for vegetable production. The model developed with Bakti Wanita Tani in Hambaro village will be disseminated to other groups in Hambaro and other villages in Nanggung.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Annual research activity report on gender objectives.

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