A Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) for the Manufacture of Vitamin A Fortified Peanut Butter

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

A.O. Lustre; E. M. San Juan; F. R. Vito; J. Manahan; M. C. Dy; A. R. Cariso; A. V. A. Resurreccion

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Peanut CRSP, University of Georgia

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


This publication entry refers to Chapter 6 of the attached .pdf. Abstract: This document describes the objectives, procedures for control and methods for inspection, recording and corrective action for eight areas requiring sanitary control during food processing. These areas are the following: (1) safety of the water supply, (2) cleanliness and condition of food contact surfaces, (3) prevention of cross-contamination, (4) maintenance of workers sanitary facilities, (5) protection of food, packaging materials and food contact surfaces from adulteration with contaminants, (6) labeling, storage and use of toxic compounds, (7) control of employee health conditions, and (8) exclusion of pests. The eight are taken from 21 CFR Part 123.11 of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Sanitation Control Procedures. The sanitary procedures recommended in this document are adopted from the above reference using the Food Development Center’s experience and a generic process for Vitamin A Fortification of Peanut Butter developed separately in this study. The document is in generic form and will require adaptation to processes and conditions existing in specific plants producing this product.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Vitamin A Fortified Peanut Butter. Chapter 6. USA-Philippines Monograph Series No. 5. USAID-Peanut CRSP.

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