Recurrent selection progress in a population derived from an interspecific peanut cross

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TM Halward; JC Wynne; HT Stalker

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article



Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Two cycles of recurrent selection for yield werm previously conducted using a population of A rachishypogaeaL.-like tetraploid hybr. derivatives selected from among the progeny of a cross between A. hypogaeaand A. cardetasii Krap. tt Greg. noin. nud., a diploid species with resistance to late leafspot (Cercosporidium personatum (Burk. and Cu’rt.) Deighton). Using the 10 highest yielding parents from each of the above cycles of recurrent selection, a study was conducted for 12 morphological traits and susceptibility to leafspotinfection in a replicated test at a single location. The two parents used to initiate the interspecific hybridpopulation (111 261942-3 and A. cardenasii)as well as two adapted cultivars (Florigiant and NC 7) were included as checks. The objectives of the study were to determine the amount of genetic variation remainingin the population after two cycles of recurren: selection in order to predict whether further progress from selection could be expected and determine the potential for utilizing wild species for the improvement of quantitative trait:; in peanut. The results indicate that significant levels of genetic variation remain in thepopulation after two cycles of recurrent selection for all traits measured, including several components of yield and leafspot resistance. This suggests that continued progress in population improvement from further cycles of selection should be possible while enhancing the genetic diversity of cultivated peanut germplasm.

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