Results from Farmer Surveys Concerning Tomato Spotted Wilt in NC Peanut

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic: ,   |  Database:

A. Cochran; C. Ellison; J. Pearce; M. Rayburn; R. Rhodes; M. Shaw; B. Simonds; L. Smith; P. Smith; C. Tyson; S. Uzzell; A. Whitehead, Jr.; M. Will

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


American Peanut Research and Education Society

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Pensacola, FL


Abstract: Tomato spotted wilt has become a significant pest in the Virginia-Carolina region. A variety of cultural and pest management practices can be used to minimize incidence of tomato spotted wilt and are included in several versions of risk indices or advisories in states where peanut is produced. Seeding rate, planting pattern, planting date, tillage system, insecticide choice, and variety selection can contribute to incidence of tomato spotted wilt. Peanut fields were scouted in North Carolina

during 2002 to determine if levels of incidence and severity were associated with production and pest management strategies that have been shown to affect tomato spotted wilt in research trials. In many cases, levels of virus would have been predicted based on advisories and previous research findings. A survey was also conducted at county production meetings in February 2003 to approximate the percentage of acres in North Carolina infested with tomato spotted wilt virus. Percentages of incidence of spotted wilt ranged from 0 to 100 (approximately 45% of peanut acreage was represented). When averaged across counties, producers indicated that 47% of peanut acreage was infested by spotted wilt. This percentage was for incidence of virus only, and did not reflect the severity of virus. Additionally, the percentage of infested acreage relies on farmer recognition of the virus, and may be an over estimate incidence.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Cochran, A., C. Ellison, J. Pearce, M. Rayburn, R. Rhodes, M. Shaw, B. Simonds, L. Smith, P. Smith, C. Tyson, S. Uzzell, A. Whitehead, Jr., M. Will, 2004. Results from Farmer Surveys Concerning Tomato Spotted Wilt in NC Peanut, 2003 Proc. Amer. Peanut Res. and Educ. Soc. Ann. Mtg. Pensacola, FL. July 8-11, 2003, 35:50

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