For Pastoralists the Risk May Be in the Drinking Water: The Case of Kargi, N. Kenya

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

William A. Shivoga; D. Layne Coppock

Type of Document:
Research Brief


Global Livestock CRSP, University of California- Davis

Date of Publication:
May 2003

Place of Publication:
Davis, CA


Abstract: Inadequate quantity of water is a common problem for pastoral people in East Africa. For the Rendille community of Kargi in northern Kenya, however, water quality has also been identified as a critical issue. Residents report that water-borne diseases commonly affect human health in dry seasons, and livestock may die soon after drinking water from some of the older, deep wells. We collected water samples from four key wells and one earthen dam to analyze physiochemical and bacteriological quality. Preliminary results indicated that the centrally located, oldest wells tested far below technical quality guidelines in several respects. Especially notable were the very high mineral Content of the water and the presence of toxic bacteria (Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli). Low concentration of oxygen in the water from old wells–in combination with the presence of Salmonella

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