Promotion of Pastoral Development in Kenya: Perspectives from the Kenya Pastoral Parliamentary Group (KPPG)

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic: ,   |  Database:

Ali Wario

Type of Document:
Research Brief


Global Livestock CRSP, University of California- Davis

Date of Publication:
August 2004

Place of Publication:
Davis, CA


Abstract: The rangelands of Kenya occupy a very large portion of the nation. The livestock-keeping peoples who reside in these areas are disproportionately affected by high rates of poverty and poor access to services and developed infrastructure. Recurrent effects of drought and environmental degradation are also important issues. Despite proclamations made since the 1980s that development must occur in the dry lands, pastoral development policy has essentially been dormant for over 20 years. The Kenya Pastoral Parliamentary Group (KPPG) is a legislative advocacy group comprised of people who are elected Members of the Kenya National Parliament. The KPPG sees great opportunity in the current Constitutional Review process and feels it can now more actively promote the development interests of pastoral people. A re-awakened focus on pastoral policy should highlight needs for improving the access of pastoralists to natural resources, formal education and health care, and strive to eliminate food insecurity and poverty. Cornerstones of such an approach should include renewed efforts to promote minority rights, advocate for pastoral compensation and reparations with respect to past injustices, proclaim the value of the various contributions that pastoral societies make to the nation at-large, and push for local sovereignty over common property resources.

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