Climate sensitive measure of agricultural intensity: Case of Nepal

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Netra B. Chhetri

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Applied Geography

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: While acknowledging the influence of climate on agricultural intensification, most studies have ignored its application in the measurement of intensity. Through the inclusion of climate variables, this paper develops a time-weighted measure, the Crop Potential Index (CPI), which can be used to assess the production potential of a region. The CPI is compared with the more conventional method, Cropping Intensity (CI), to assess the significance of their differences in the three ecological zones of Nepal. The comparison of the CPI with that of the CI shows a significant difference between the two measures in all three ecological regions. The level of difference is larger in regions where climate is a limiting factor, such as the Mountain region of Nepal. The climate sensitive CPI can be considered as a more complete measurement tool and can be useful for planning agricultural development activities in Nepal. The advantage of the CPI is apparent in its ability to set a theoretical upper limit to the production potential of crops in a specific climatic region. Compared to the CI the CPI is more realistic in quantifying agricultural intensity in regions where climatic factors set the theoretical upper limit for crop growth and development

Additional Bibliographic Information

------. 2011. Climate sensitive measure of agricultural intensity: Case of Nepal. Applied Geography 31:808 - 819.

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