Baseline study of socio-economic conditions and decision making processes with a focus on small farmers, nutrient management and millet production in the Segou region of Mali

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

M. Doumbia; A. Coulibaly; O. Coulibaly; Z. Kouyate; A. Sidibe; F. Smith; L. Hossner; J. Smyth

Type of Document:
Project Document


Soil Management CRSP, North Carolina State University

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Raleigh, NC


Decision Aids for Integrated Soil Nutrient Management Project

Additional Bibliographic Information

Doumbia, M., A. Coulibaly, O. Coulibaly, Z. Kouyate, A. Sidibe, F. Smith, L. Hossner and J. Smyth.1998. Baseline study of socio-economic conditions and decision making processes with a focus on small farmers, nutrient management and millet production in the Segou region of Mali. Decision Aids for Integrated Soil Nutrient Management Project. 20p.

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