Capacity Building

BASIS research and Training Program in Southern Africa: Synthesis of the Southern Africa Regional Planning Workshop June 1997

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 6/1/1997
  • Author(s): Pauline Peters
  • Type of Document: Project Document



Global Information Exchange

This initiative facilitates exchange among and between researchers and decision-makers through various media and fora. Exchange among researchers emphasizes collaborative development of methodologies for identifying appropriate […]

  • Start Date: 1997
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Soil and Water Management for Improving Sorghum Production in Eastern Africa

This project focused on increasing the of yield of sorghum in East Africa and contributing to improved institutional capacity. Collaborating researchers in Ethiopia are working with […]

Report to the Congress on Title XII- Famine Prevention and Freedom from Hunger of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 As Amended, Calendar Year 1996

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 1997
  • Author(s): United States Agency for International Development / Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD)
  • Type of Document: Annual Report



CARDI-Payne Extension and Impacts in Jamaica

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 1997
  • Author(s): JI Lindsay
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article



Extension Entomology: A perspective on past, present, and future challenges

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 1997
  • Author(s): RL Brandenburg
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article



The Peanut CRSP History and Workshop Objectives

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 1997
  • Author(s): DG Cummins
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article



The World Geography of the Peanut: Global Networking Approach to Social Equity, Environmental Protection, and Technology Exchange

There is an absence of an integrated global, national, and regional agroecologically framed database on peanuts – especially one containing socioeconomic information -for use by scientists, […]



Development and Transfer of Peanut Processing Technologies in Bulgaria

Major yield losses frequently occur in peanut (30 to 50%) in South America and the Oceania countries of Southeast Asia. Losses are often due to severe […]



Socioeconomic Dimensions of Aquaculture Development: Baseline Conditions, Human Capital Impacts, and Technology Diffusion Processes

Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Adoption/Diffusion Research or Adoption and Diffusion Research.

  • Start Date: 1996/08/01
  • End Date: 1998/07/31
  • Project Code: 8ADR1
  • Lead University: