
Livestock Production Systems and Environmental Interactions: Producer Response to Climate and Market Changes in the River Njoro Watershed, Kenya

Abstract: In developing countries, the past two decades have witnessed changes in market structure, climate and demographic characteristics resulting in fast growth in the demand for […]

  • Date of Publication: April 2009
  • Author(s): Daniel Kyalo; Muhia Njeri
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Analysis of the use of credit facilities by small-scale fish farmers in Kenya

Abstract: The government of Kenya encourages aquaculture development by offering credit facilities through the government agricultural finance institution, Agriculture Finance Corporation. Nevertheless, the level of credit […]

  • Date of Publication: 3/1/2009
  • Author(s): Kwamena K. Quagrainie; Charles C. Ngugi; Stephen Amisah
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Gungulo, Ana Lidia

Country of Origin:

IPM CRSP South Asia Regional Program

This project builds on previous investment by expanding efforts in Bangladesh and India, extending and replicating the participatory IPM approach in Nepal, strengthening the network of […]

The International Plant Diagnostic Network: Gateway to IPM Implementation and Enhanced Trade

Prompt and accurate diagnosis of plant diseases and detection of plant pathogens is crucial for integrated crop health management. However, researchers, extension personnel and farmers in […]

Market Assessment and Profitability Analysis

Part of the AquaFish Project: Hydrology, Water Harvesting, and Watershed Management for Food Security, Income, and Health: Small Impoundments for Aquaculture and Other Community Uses



Improving Supply Chain Opportunities for Tilapia in the Philippines

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improved Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability of Aquaculture in the Philippines and Indonesia



Demonstration of Sustainable Seaweed Culture and Processing in Aceh, Indonesia and the Philippines – Opportunities for Women to Improve Household Welfare

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improved Cost Effectiveness and Sustainability of Aquaculture in the Philippines and Indonesia



Value Chain Development for Tilapia and Catfish Products: Opportunities for Women Participation

Part of the AquaFish Project: Improving Competitiveness of African Aquaculture Through Capacity Building, Improved Technology, and Management of Supply Chain and Natural Resources

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2013/03/31
  • Project Code: 09MER02PU
  • Lead University:



Maximizing the Utilization of Low Value or Small-Size Fish for Human Consumption by Improving Food Safety and Value Added Product Development (Fermented Fish Paste) Through the Promotion of Women’s Fish Processing Groups/Associations in Cambodia

Part of the AquaFish Project: Development of Alternatives to the Use of Freshwater Low Value Fish for Aquaculture in the Lower Mekong Basin of Cambodia and […]

