Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation and Family Security through Home gardening and Sustainable Field Production of Vegetables: Community-based Pest management for Sustainable Vegetable Production.


Project Code:

Start Date:
May 1994

End Date:
July 1997

CRSP Phase:
Phase 1

Not Available



Lead University:

Other Partners:

Principal Investigator(s):
Gordon Prain

Co-Principal Investigator(s):


In higher elevations of the watershed of the Manupali landscape in the Philippines,potatoes and other vegetables are currently a major source of income for poor farming households. Evidence generated in the Participatory Landscape/Lifescape Appraisal of the elevated zones of the watershed indicated several processes which threaten the sustainability of the whole landscape: erosion of soil due to up-down plowing; pollution of water supplies in the lower areas from pesticides used to control fungal diseases and insect pests attacking potatoes and other vegetables; and loss of forest cover and forest biodiversity as vegetable farmers seek land free of bacterial wilt (caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum). This disease, which affects solanaceous plants (such as potatoes and tomatoes), is soil and/or seed borne and cannot be treated. It can be avoided only by planting in uncontaminated land, taking sanitary measures, using uncontaminated seed, and in some measure by incorporating host plan resistance into new



Generate a sustainable income from potato production while overcoming its negative effects ofincorrect utilization ofpesticides and reduction of biodiversity. Specific objectives are to: 1. Analyze socioeconomic and agronomic factors determining cropping systems patterns across the vegetable growing zone. 2. Provide a systematic account of vegetable seed supply, especially for potatoes. 3. Determine the most effective integrated pest management strategies for vegetables through evaluation of alternatives based on individual, communal, or group decision making and/or consultation. 4. Identify the comparative advantages of True Potato Seed (TPS) and rapid multiplication approaches for dissemination of clean potato seed. 5. Determine the institutional strengths and weaknesses of alternative methods and strategies for promoting integrated, communal management of crop pests, including improved seed management. 6. Intensify exposure of research staff to participatory approaches to pest management and the concept of "joint learning" in IPM implementation.


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