Feed processing factors that affect production: 1) Grinding and mixing of ingredients to produce quality feeds for pigs; 2) Thermal processing technologies to produce quality feeds for pigs; 3) The role of feed and feed processing in development of gastric ulcers

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J.D. Hancock

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


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Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Coming soon

Additional Bibliographic Information

Hancock, J.D. 2010. Feed processing factors that affect production: 1) Grinding and mixing of ingredients to produce quality feeds for pigs; 2) Thermal processing technologies to produce quality feeds for pigs; 3) The role of feed and feed processing in development of gastric ulcers. Proc. Manitoba Swine Seminar, Sharing Ideas and Information for Efficient Pork Production, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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