Genetic Control of Sorghum Grain Color


Rene Clara Valencia; William L. Rooney

Type of Document:


Centro Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria y Forestal (CENTA)

Date of Publication:
February 2009

Place of Publication:
San Andreas, El Salvador


Powerpoint Presentation. Abstract: The first Memorandum of Agreement between INTSORMIL and the National Center of Agricultural and Forest Technology (CENTA) was initiated in the year 2000 and endorsed by means of Executive Agreement No. 1133 of the branch of foreign relations and Legislative Decree No. 183 published in the Official Newspaper No. 231, December 8, 2000. This agreement indicates the importance that sorghum cultivation deserves in El Salvador. It establishes the collaborative relationship between CENTA scientists and INTSORMIL scientists in initiating activities to generate and transfer technology that is beneficial to producers in El Salvador and the Central America Region.

There have been many sorghum varieties and hybrids generated under this Agreement which are beneficial to farmers in El Salvador, other countries in Central America and other latitudes. For this reason, CENTA and INTSORMIL take pleasure in supporting this scientific publication to clarify the concept of sorghum grain color with the intent of improving sorghum grain quality and in contributing to the development of better products from sorghum which will be beneficial to all in the sorghum food value chain.

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