Progress report year 3 of marketing aspect: Farmers comparison study trip to good practice of VAF management site


I. Kurniawan; J.M. Roshetko; D. Anggakusuma

Type of Document:
Project Document


World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Bogor, Indonesia


Summary: Selecting marketable vegetables with a high potential value and good timing are most important in developing a successful marketing plan. The SANREM Project helps farmers overcome the common constraints of lack of market information , poor accessibility due to transportation cost, distance from production point to target market, lack of capital and strong dependence on local collectors. Based on a previous study on consumer preference, katuk and kucai were chosen for the farmers to focus on producing and marketing. The farmers’ comparison study trip was proposed to 1)improve farmers’ knowledge and skills on good management and marketing of VAF, 2) To encourage farmers, to discuss and learn about success stories from the successful farmers, 3) To get ideas and replicate the good practice management of VAF in farmers’ villages of origin, and 4) To capture potential markets, to collect marketing information, and to see the possibilities in making collaborations.

The study trip was conducted on 22 January 2008 and was attended by 24 farmers as representatives of Hambaro, Sukaluyu, and Parakan Muncang’s farmers, agriculture extension staff and ICRAF’s team; about 25% of the farmers were women. The group visited two villages in Ciampea Subdistrict (about an hour from Nanggung): Ciaruteun Ilir village for Kucai leaf best practice management, and Cinangka village for Katuk marketing experience. In the study trip, the farmers discussed technical aspects of Kucai leaf and Katuk cultivation with the experienced farmers, and marketing aspects with the existing traders.

Generally, the farmers are enthusiastic, motivated and willing to develop the vegetables. They will improve their incomes with the good marketing prospects. The successful farmers have agreed to provide seeds and help in training, and the existing traders have promised to buy the Nanggung farmers’ products at the farmer’s gate. In the next semester of year 3, the marketing activity will focus on identifying strongly motivated farmers to participate in vegetables production plots which are spread in three different villages.

Additional Bibliographic Information

A SANREM TMPEGS progress report

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