Qualite de l’ensilage, caracteristiques chimiques, et palatabilite de la Cassia tora ensile contre frais


M. El Hadj; O. Abaye; M. Keita

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Not Available

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Cassia tora (Foetid cassia) is the most prevalent weed species in the West African region of Mali. In most parts of Mali, the lack of pasture and forage resources has been a growing problem. C. tora is considered as a poisonous plant. However, the toxic element in C. tora has not been clearly defined. The objectives of our experiment are: to evaluate the chemical characteristics of ensiled vs. fresh C. tora; to investigate the effect of additives on the quality of the ensiled material; to provide feed for the dry season and to examine the effect of the ensiling processes on the toxic chemical (or chemicals) present in the fresh C. tora.

With or without added treatments (water and honey for year 1; sugar and grasses for year 2), C. tora was ensiled for 60 or 90 days. It was collected from three locations. Prior to placing the chopped material in the bags for ensiling, sub-samples of fresh C. tora, as well as the mixtures with additives, were obtained for dry matter (DM) and chemical analysis (Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), Acid detergent fiber (ADF), and Crude Protein (CP). After 60 or 90 days of ensiling, the silos were opened and samples for DM and chemical analysis were obtained. All samples were transported to the U.S. for analysis. The ensiled material across treatments and locations had NDF varying from 48 percent to 56 percent, ADF from 34 percent to 41 percent, CP from 9 percent to 10 percent, and IVDMD from 53 to 64 percent in year one. The fresh material had NDF from 56 percent to 57 percent, ADF from 40 percent to 42 percent, CP from 9 percent to 10 percent, and In vitro dry matter digestibility from 52 to 54 percent. Analyses for toxic substances will be performed on all samples for both years.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented at SAMREM WA Research Synthesis Conference Innovations Institutionnelles et Developpements Technologiques pour une Gestion Decentralisee et Durable des Ressources Naturalles, Bamako, Mali, 24-26 February 2004 Presented at SANREM WA Research Synthesis Conference Institutional Innovations and Technological Developments for Decentralized and Sustainable Natural Resources Management, Bamako, Mali, 24-26 February 2004

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