Scaling-up – Integration of vegetables and agroforestry system in Asian watersheds: The SANREM-TMPEGS Philippine strategy


M.V.O. Espaldon

Type of Document:
Project Document


University of the Philippines

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Los Banos, Philippines


Summary: The training need assessment was conducted with the main objectives of determining the specific capacity building needs of the different stakeholders (training needs assessment TNA) and identifying gaps that TMPEGS can address in terms of capacity building for two major groups: farmers and tree growers and policy makers. The TNA has the following specific objectives: 1) to determine prospective participants / clients of capacity building activities; and 2) to design IEC materials; and 3) to formulate design for scaling up strategy.

The assessment was able to complete baseline survey, training needs analysis (TNA), and Binahon Agroforestry Farm documentation. The result of the assessment study facilitated the identification of the training needs and in the development of training course curriculum for the promotion of sustainable vegetable-agroforestry production system: irrigation, gender needs, policy incentives for conservation, soil and water conservation and marketing. One of the starting materials is the Binahon Agroforestry Farm documentation owned by Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Perla Binahon. The documentation of this agroforestry farm was completed and extension materials such as brochure, DVD and resource booklet are available and ready for dissemination. As an initial output of the IEC program, a total of 13 copies in CD form were distributed and viewed to different stakeholders that include the following: Lantapan Municipal Office, Farmers Information Technology Series (FITS-DA) based in Lantapan, Central Mindanao University, Lingap sa Kalikasan (LIKAS-Sorsogon), Binahon Farm, Bicol University, Albay and other individual partners and stakeholders. The film showing was also presented in the UPLB-SESAM Environmental Science class (ENS) as an instruction material. Other extension materials such as brochures, leaflet of Binahon farm were also disseminated to various clientele.

Four papers were presented in various seminars and workshop that include: LIKAS-UNDP Sorsogon; Bicol State University, Albay; DA-BAR Quezon City; and in Bali, Indonesia. In addition, Key Informant (KI) interview, survey interview, focus group discussion and participatory mapping was conducted in barangay Songco, Lantapan to determine the various incentives in practicing conservation farming. Analysis of the results of this study is still in on-going.

Additional Bibliographic Information

SANREM CRSP LTRA-5 Annual Report

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