The Enhancement of Sorghum Germplasm for Stability, Productivity, and Utilization
Project Code:
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CRSP Phase:
Not Available
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Cameroon, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Mali, Mexico, Niger, Paraguay, Uganda, Zambia
Lead University:
Texas A&M University
Other Partners:
Collaborating Scientists' Institutions: DAR/IER (Mali); The Carter Center - Global 2000 (Ghana); ICRISAT (Nigeria); ICRISAT/SADCC (Zimbabwe); ICRISAT/SAFGRAD/OAU (Kenya); ICRISAT/International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center-CIMMYT, UANL (Mexico); IAN, Servicio Agropecuario (Paraguay); INTA (Argentina); SRN, EAP (Honduras); University of Georgia, USDA/TARS (US)
Principal Investigator(s):
Fred R. Miller
Co-Principal Investigator(s):
The goal of this project is to reduce the risks of production of sorghum for grain through the enhancement of genetic potentials by creating germplasm pools, lines, and hybrids with good food quality, stable performance, and high potential yields while possessing resistance to significant disease, pests, and stress factors. Particular empahsis is placed upon development of food quality grain in the sustainable production system.
1. Develop, through enhancement procedures, appropriate stable, high yielding, agronomically desirable sorghums with high levels of disease, insect, and agronomic stress resistance, high grain quality with weathering resistance and resistance to environmental stresses. 2. Determine the heterotic germplasm pools (subspecies) within sorghum and characterize the constraints to yield improvement among West African cultivars (guinese types) and evaluate the germplasm availability suitable for enhancement. 3. Determine the relationship between yield and photosynthetic capability. 4. Assessment and utilization of physiological measures of drought resistance to improve sorghum for local and international utilization. 5. Distribute improved lines, hybrids, and early generation populations possessing superior productivity to collaborating LDCs where sustainable agricultuie is critical. 6. Develop specific germplasm pools and resources for use in impacting productivity inLatin America, South America, and Africa.
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