
Development of Cowpea-Based Value-Added Foods with High Nutritive Health Values Preferred by Consumers and Food Processors

The goal of this research component is to enhance the availability of nutritious/healthful, and affordable cowpea-based foods to consumers in both West Africa and the U.S., […]



Breeding Peanut for Resistance to Foliar Diseases and Arthropod Pests

Foliar diseases and pests cause significant yield losses in peanuts globally. The losses are greater in countries where chemical disease and pest control are not feasible […]



Systems Research to Assess Risk of Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination and to Develop Technologies to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination of Peanut

Aflatoxin contamination reduces peanut quality and value, and may adversely affect the health of consumers, both human and livestock. In human health, aflatoxin consumption may cause […]



Improved Production Efficiency through Standardized, Integrated, and Enhanced Research and Technology

Foliar diseases and pests are responsible for significant yield losses in the Guinean and Sudanian zones of West Africa and the higher rainfall areas of Southern […]



Simulation of Peanut Cropping Systems to Improve Production Efficiency and Enhance Natural Resource Management

Small-holder peanut farmers are under increasing pressure to increase peanut production, in the face of increasing constraints of limited natural resources and increasing degradation of their […]



Kossou, Dansou

Country of Origin:

Favi, Francoise Djidobe

Country of Origin: