
Montero , Gustavo

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 1995
  • End Date: 1997
  • Degree: BS



Andes Project

The Andes program was established in 1994 in a watershed roughly 100 km from Quito, Ecuador’s capital. In this area, residents were struggling with the decreasing […]

Vergara, Oscar

Country of Origin:

Engaging the Whole: Operationalizing the Spread Effect at SANREM CRSP Sites

In addition to the administrative responsibilities of the Site Coordination Office (SCO), it serves the role of communications node for the host-country for the SANREM CRSP […]

  • Start Date: January 1993
  • End Date: August 1997
  • Project Code: P17-1
  • Lead University:

Policy Analysis and Pesticide Manual

A study was conducted of the policies affecting pesticide use in Ecuador. Nominal rates of protection (NPR’s) and equilibrium exchange rates were calculated to quantify the […]

  • Start Date: 1993
  • End Date: 1998
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Biological control of the Andean weevil Premnotrypes vorax on potato with Bacillus thuringiensis

The Andean weevil of potato (Premnotrypes vorax) is the most economically important insect pest attacking potatoes in Ecuador. It can affect 100% of the crop. With […]

Development of Integrated Pest Management Alternatives for the Main Pests and Diseases of Platano (Plantain)

The main cause of low quality and productivity of platano (plantain) (var. Barranganete) in the region of “El Carmen” was attributed to pests and diseases, as […]

Gutierrez, Patricio

Country of Origin:

Ethnoecology: Stakeholder Perceptions and Use of Andean Landscape Maps and Models

The ethnoecology project seeks to describe and analyze perceptions and understandings of the landscape for people in two communities in Ecuador (Nanegal and Cotacachi) and to […]

Institutions and Natural Resource Management in the Andes: Organizational Capacity and Social Capital in Four Ecuadorian Indigenous Secondary Level Organizations (SLOs) and in Colonization Communities in Nanegal Parish, Pichincha, Ecuador

The overall purpose of this project is to increase the sustainability of Andean landscapes and lifescapes through improved natural resource management partnerships and decisions. The research […]