
Germplasm Enhancement through Genetic Manipulation for Increasing Resistance to Insects and Improving Efficient Nutrient Use in Genotypes Adapted to Sustainable Production Systems (Joint with TropSoils CRSP)

Sorghum production and yield stability is constrained by numerous biotic and abiotic stresses. Insects pose a produc-lion risk in all areas of sorghum production, the severity […]

Tropical Sorghum Conservation and Enhancement in Honduras and Central America

The overall goal of this project is to improve the quality of farm families in Honduras that produce sorghum. This is accomplished through in situ conservation […]

Utilization and Quality of Sorghum and Millet

This project was multifaceted addressing the development of new food products; developing laboratory methods to address grain quality characteristics; address the nutritional qualities in sorghum; and […]

Guillen, Jose Enrique

Country of Origin:

Monroy, Jose

Country of Origin:

PalmaCarias, Alejandro

Country of Origin:

Rivera, Roberto

Country of Origin:

Portillo, Hector

Country of Origin:

Lopez, Julio

Country of Origin:

Portillo, Hector

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