WOOL : Developing Institutions and Capacity for Sheep and Fiber Marketing in Central Asia
The culmination of three small grants developed by the GL-CRSP Management Entity, the WOOL Project brought a diverse array of talented scientists from the U.K. and […]
- Start Date: 2004
- End Date: 2006
- Project Code: WOOL
- Lead University: University of Wyoming
CRSP: Global Livestock
Database: Project
LDRCT : Livestock Development and Rangeland Conservation Tools for Central Asia
Research from LDRCT focused on: continuous collection and analyses of CO2 flux data from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; determination of the effects of land use on […]
- Start Date: 1997
- End Date: 2003
- Project Code: LDRCT
- Lead University: University of California - Davis
- Region: Asia
- Topic: Natural Resource Management
CRSP: Global Livestock
Database: Project
LSER : Impacts of Economic Reform on the Livestock Sector in Central Asia
The LSER project focused on the privatization of agriculture in Central Asia and the identification of key factors in marketing channels from the farmgate to the […]
- Start Date: 1997
- End Date: 2000
- Project Code: LSER
- Lead University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
CRSP: Global Livestock
Database: Project