
Strategies for Controlling Groundnut Rosette Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: Breeding for Disease Resistance, Seed Dissemination, Disease Management Education, and Generation of Transgenic Groundnut with Resistance to Groundnut Rosette Disease

The goals of the project are to develop and disseminate highly desirable groundnut cultivars with resistance to groundnut rosette disease (GRD) and drought tolerance to groundnut […]



Improving livelihoods of farm households in peanut based farming systems in East Africa

The overall purpose of the University of Connecticut-Peanut CRSP effort is to improve understanding of the farm level economics of peanut production and marketing in Uganda […]



Global Valencia Peanut Niche Market Development Program

This project’s long term goal is to identify diverse germplasm with beneficial traits from Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. fastigiata var. fastigiata (Valencia) and markers associated with […]



Enhancing Nutritional Value and Marketability of Beans through Research and Strengthening Key Value Chain Stakeholders in Uganda and Rwanda

Agriculture in East Africa is characterized by women and men working in small scale, rainfed production, averaging 2 hectares per household (FAO 2006). Erratic bimodal rainfall […]

Crop, Soil and Water management to optimize Grain Yield and Quality for Value- Added Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa

The goal of this project is to improve food security and market development of sorghum and pearl millet in ESA through research, institutional capacity building and […]

Pathways for Ensuring Access to Assets: Land tenure reform and beyond

This project assessed the social, economic, and institutional constraints limiting women’s access to and control of assets in Uganda and Liberia. Researchers provided recommendations on policies […]

  • Start Date: 2007/04/01
  • End Date: 2011/03/01
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

CCRA-5: Linking Knowledge and Action – Meeting Natural Resource Management Challenges

The potential for research to provide short- and long-term improvements in environmental sustainability and rural welfare are widely recognized. Yet there is a huge imbalance between […]

Natural Capital and Poverty Reduction

This project studied how natural capital functioned as a form of insurance for poor households facing income variability and shocks and whether income from natural resources […]

  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2012
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Kucel, Patrick

Country of Origin:

Namuddu, Annet

Country of Origin: