Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Agricultural diversification and integrated pest management in Bangladesh

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2003
  • Author(s): C. Mahmoud; G.E. Shively
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

An Overview: Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) in Bangladesh

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: January 2003
  • Author(s): A.N.M.R. Karim; et al.
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Anwar, Ruly

Country of Origin:

Uz-zaman, M. Faruq

Country of Origin:

Mishra, Sanjiv

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 2002
  • End Date: 2003
  • University:
  • Degree: MS

Effect of rice root-knot nematode on growth and yield of Yellow Granex onion

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): E.B. Gergon; S.A. Miller; J. Halbrendt; R.G. Davide
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Transgenic Pest Resistant Indica Rice: An Ex-ante Economic Evaluation of an Adoption Impact Pathway in the Philippines and Vietnam for Bt Rice

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): Cezar Brian Mamaril
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

The Economics of Agricultural Diversification in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Vegetables and IPM in a Rice Based Farming System

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: December 2001
  • Author(s): Chowdury Shameem Mahmoud
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Islam, Md. Nazrul

Country of Origin:

Economic Analysis of Environmental Benefits of Integrated Pest Management: A Philippine Case Study

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): L. Cuyno; G.W. Norton; A. Rola
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article