Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Population dynamics, growth and control of weeds in rainfed rice-onion cropping systems

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2000
  • Author(s): M.C. Casimero
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Framework for Economic Impact Assessment of IPM CRSP Activities in Uganda and Bangladesh: a GIs application

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2000
  • Author(s): T. Debass
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Reducing herbicide use with agronomic practices in onion (Allium cepa L.) grown after rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2000
  • Author(s): A.M. Baltazar; E.C. Martin; M.C. Casimero; F.V. Bariuan; S.R. Obien; S.K. De Datta
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

An Economic Evaluation of the Health and Environmental Benefits of the IPM CRSP Program in the Philippines

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 5/1/1999
  • Author(s): L. Cuyno
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

South Asia Site in Bangladesh

IPM activities at the Bangladesh site were concentrated in four program areas during year 10, which was year 5 for Bangladesh. The first of these areas […]

Survey of Infestation Level of Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, on Different Vegetable Crops

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and other sucking insects have appeared to be serious problems on a number of vegetable crops and farmers are frequently applying insecticides on […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Survey of Bean Pod Borer (Maruca testulalis), Whitefly and Aphids and their Natural Enemies on Country Bean (Lablab purpureus)

The bean pod borer, whitefly and aphids have appeared as serious pests of country beans in Bangladesh. The bean pod borer and aphids damage the bean […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Varietal Screening of Eggplant for Resistance to Bacterial Wilt, Fruit and Shoot Borer (FSB), Leafhopper (jassids) and Root-knot Nematode(RKN) and of Tomato Resistance to BW ,Virus Disease and RKN

FSB, BW, jassids and RKN seriously damage eggplant varieties grown by the farmers every year. Farmers use pesticides indiscriminately without knowing the pest, or gaining any […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Pilot Production of Grafted Eggplant at Intensive Growing Areas (Jessore and Sripur) and Training of Farmers

Bacterial wilt is a widespread serious disease of eggplant in Bangladesh. In absence of any practical control methods, farmers use pesticides indiscriminately without any successful control […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

On-farm Demonstration of Tomato Grafting for Bacterial Wilt Control

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a widespread serious disease of tomato in Bangladesh. In absence of any practical control methods, farmers fail to establish […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University: