Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Agronomic Evaluation of Local and Improved Cowpea Lines in Uganda

A multi-locational approach was used to evaluate six (6) improved varieties: MU-93, TVX 337-025(B), IT90- 109 (B), KVU-12349, IT82D-516-2, IT85F-2841 against two local varieties Ebelat and […]

Field Management of Cowpea Bruchids Using Pheromone Traps

Sticky pheromone traps were set up in cowpea fields in the districts of Kumi and Pallisa during the first and the second seasons of 2002. The […]

Integrated Field Management of Cowpea Field and Storage Pests Using Selected Synthetic and Botanical Pesticides

The study was conducted on-farm in the districts of Pallisa and Kumi, to determine the effect of integrating the use of synthetic and botanical pesticides in […]

Integrated Disease and Pest Management Strategies for Maize in Uganda

Molecular marker data were analyzed based on VO613Y x Pa405 F2:3 and F3:4 disease severity ratings across US and RSA environments using a selective genotyping strategy […]

Development of Novel Options for Striga Management for Smallholder Sorghum Farmers in Uganda

Three field experiments were conducted during the first rains (April

An Alternative Approach to Increase Tomato Production by Reducing Incidence of Bacterial Wilt through Grafting

Two solanaceaous root stocks were selected to be used on farmers fields for tomato grafting. The root stocks selected were Solanum indicum subsp. dischum locally known […]

Geographic Information Systems to Enhance IPM Collaborative Research in Uganda: Follow-up to Solidify GIS Knowledge and Skills

This project expanded upon an earlier geographic information systems (GIS) workshop presented in February of 2002. Experience in previous IPM CRSP GIS workshops has shown that […]

Innovative Technologies for Striga management

This research is directed at developing new strategies for control of Striga in sorghum and millet. Specific objectives were to: Confirm results of the previous year’s […]

  • Start Date: 1999
  • End Date: 2004
  • Project Code: Not Available
  • Lead University:

Cultural and biological alternatives for the control of the Central America Tuber Moth Tecia solanivora in the field and under storage

This project soght to generate cultural and biological control alternatives and reduce the risk for the health of the farmers, by means of non-contaminant methods; to […]

Development of Biocontrol methods for Premnotrypes vorax: New proposal for the integrated management of the Andean potato weevil, Premnotrypes vorax

This project sought to develop new approaches to pest control, by means that are sustainable and do not contaminate the environment, specifically through novel approaches to […]