Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Biology of Cereal leaf beetle and their method of control

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Madina Pulatova
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Gender and Pest Management in Ghana: Implications for the Introduction of an IPM Program for Tomato

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): L. Zseleczky
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

The first report of Columnea latent viroid (CLVd) in tomato in West Africa


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): O. Batuman; R. Gilbertson
  • Type of Document: Media

Popularization of integrated pest and disease management module for onion in India


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): D. Dinakaran; G. Gajendran; S. Mohankumar; G. Karthikeyan; S. Thiruvudainambi; E.I. Jonathan; R. Samiyappan; V. Jayabal
  • Type of Document: Media

IPM strategies for the management of Peanut bud necrosis virus disease in tomato


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): G. Karthikeyan; S.K. Manoranjitham; S. Mohankumar; R. Samiyappan; E.I. Jonathan; G. Chandrasekar; N.A. Rayapati
  • Type of Document: Media

Integrated pest management of Ralstonia solanacearum on tomato in Uganda


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Jeninah Karungi; G.P. Tusiime; P.R. Rubaihayo; R.N. Ssonko; D. Asiimwe; S. Kyamanywa; J. Kovach; S. Miller; J.M. Erbaugh
  • Type of Document: Media

Pesticide use and risks in horticultural farm enterprises in Uganda


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Julian Kirinya; J. Bonabana-Wabbi; D. Taylor; G. Norton; M. Mangheni; J.M. Erbaugh; S. Kyamanywa; J. Karungi; G. Tusiime
  • Type of Document: Media

IPM of the white stem borer and root mealybugs on Arabica coffee in the Mt. Elgon region in Uganda


  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): S. Kyamanywa; P. Kucel; G. Kagezi; K. Nafuna; C. Ssemwogerere; J. Kovach; J.M. Erbaugh
  • Type of Document: Media