International Sorghum and Millet (INTSORMIL)

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Sorghum Breeding and Management of Insect, Disease, and Acid Soil Problems

This project addresses, through breeding, three major production limiting constraints of the acid soil complex; phytotoxic levels of aluminum and manganese, and low phosphorous availability. In […]

Adaptation of Sorghum and Pearl Millet to Highly Acid Tropical Soils

This project focused on developing sustainable minimum-input technology strategies for the evaluation of sorghum and pearl millet germplasm for tolerance to aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn) […]

Breeding Sorghum for Developing Countries

This project aims to use the variability created from crosses between two complementary germplasm groups–recently bred high yield tropical food quality sorghums and elite U.S. lines–in […]

Breeding Pearl Millet for Developing Countries

The principal objectives of this project are to supply collaborating scientists at LDC locations with both useful genetic material and information on how best to select […]

Development of Agronomically Superior Germplasm Including Varieties, Hybrids and Populations Which Have Improved Nutritional Value and Good “Evident” Grain Quality for Utilization in Developing Countries

The major focus of this project is to develop high yielding sorghum varieties with acceptable food quality and good nutritional value for utilization in developing countries.

  • Start Date: 1984
  • End Date: 1991
  • Project Code: PRF-103A
  • Lead University:

Breeding Sorghum Varieties and Hybrids with Improved Grain Quality, Drought Resistance and Striga Resistance

To strengthen sorghum research capabilities of collaborating scientists in less developed countries, thereby accelerating the rate at which the production and utilization of sorghum is enhanced. […]

  • Start Date: 1984
  • End Date: 1991
  • Project Code: PRF-107
  • Lead University:

Breeding for Productivity in Sorghum

The principal objective of this project was to bring together in a deliberately focused manner all those traits which cause the production of higher yielding sorghums […]

Breeding for Disease and Drought Resistance and Increased Genetic Diversity

The principal objectives of this project were to identity and develop disease resistant and drought resistant sorghum germplasm in diverse backgrounds for use by collaborating LDC […]

Increasing Resistance to Insects and Improving Efficient Nutrient Use by Genetic Manipulation for Improved Grain Sorghum Production

This project focused on evaluating germplasms for resistance to insect pests and develop anthropod resistant varieties.

Biological and Ecological Investigations and Management of Insect Pests on Sorghum

The goal of this project was to develop resistance to insect pests in sorghum through integrated pest management methods.