Livestock-Climate Change (LCC)

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Goals of Meeting

Presented at the CHAINS Project: Research Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, June 21, 2011.

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Peter D. Little
  • Type of Document: Media

Status of Current Field Activities & Research Sites

Presented at the CHAINS Project: Research Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, June 21, 2011.

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Hussein Abdullahi Mahmoud
  • Type of Document: Media

ILRI: Better lives through livestock

Presented at the CHAINS Project: Research Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, June 21, 2011.

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Amos Omore
  • Type of Document: Media

Social Processing of Uncertain Climate Information among African Rural Producers

Presented at the CHAINS Project: Research Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, June 21, 2011.

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Carla Roncoli
  • Type of Document: Media

The Dynamics of Ancient Tula Wells Cultural Landscape: Environmental and Social History

Presented at the CHAINS Project: Research Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, June 21, 2011.

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Waktole Tiki
  • Type of Document: Media

Pastoral Transformations to Resilient Futures: Understanding Climate Change from the Ground Up

An Overview of the Livestock-Climate Change CRSP PTRF (Pastoral Transformations to Resilient Futures–Understanding Climate from the Ground Up) Project and update on the project’s current status. […]

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): K. Galvin; R. Reid; J. Njoka; D. Ole Nkedianye; P. Thornton
  • Type of Document: Media

Strengthening Tanzanian Livestock Health and Pastoral Livelihoods in a Changing Climate

An Overview of the Livestock-Climate Change CRSP HALI (Health for animals and livelihood improvement) Project and update on the project’s current status. Presentation given by W. […]

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Health for Animals and Livelihood Improvement (HALI) Project
  • Type of Document: Media

Trip Report – CHAINS – Kenya & Ethiopia

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): Not Available
  • Type of Document: Project Document