Growth and survival of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fry reared at different stocking densities in tanks
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): K.D. Omwansa
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Survival and growth of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fry reared in hapas under different shading levels
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): J.G. Rauni
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Hydraulic, water quality, and social assessment of the Nzoia Watershed management to meet water quality standards and emerging TMDL
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): E. Tollner; M. Muchiri; G. Habron; N. Gitonga
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Recycling wastewater of intensive hybrid Clarias catfish culture for semi-intensive Nile tilapia culture
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2004
- Author(s): Y. Yi; R. Sethteethunyahan; C.K. Lin
- Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document
- Region: Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
On farm trials in Kenya change attitudes of fish farmers and extensionists
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 7/1/2003
- Author(s): C.C. Ngugi; J. Amadiva; K. Veverica; J. Bowman; S. Imende; B. Nyandatt; G. Matolla
- Type of Document: Research Report
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Preliminary Work on Site Description, Evaluation and Development Planning: Tanzania, Ghana, and Kenya
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2003/05/01
- End Date: 2004/07/31
- Project Code: 11ERAR1
- Lead University: University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
An Economic Assessment of Aquaculture in Rural Africa: The Case of Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Economic/ Risk Assessment and Social Analysis.
- Start Date: 2003/05/01
- End Date: 2004/07/31
- Project Code: 11ERA3
- Lead University: Purdue University
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Markets
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture in an integrated pen-cum-pond system: growth performance and nutrient budgets
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2003
- Author(s): Y. Yi; C.K. Lin; J.S. Diana
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Feed conversion efficiency in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) as a function of size
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2002
- Author(s): B.O. Omolo
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Comparison of tilapia and Clarias polyculture yields and economic benefits resulting from a locally available animal feed (pig finisher pellet), agricultural by-product (rice bran), and a pelleted test diet in fertilized ponds
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2002
- Author(s): E. Mac'Were
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication