Sorghum, Millet, and Other Grains (SMOG / INTSORMIL)

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Kasoma, Chapwa

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Burns, J.Kyle

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Bergsma, Benjamin

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Maria, Ricardo

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Identification and Release of Brown Midrib ( bmr ) Sorghum Varieties to Producers in Central America and Haiti

Scientists from the INTSORMIL-CENTA project based at the National Center for Agricultural Technology and Forestry (CENTA) of El Salvador have worked for five years to develop […]

Liben, Feyera

Country of Origin:

Kasosi, Angelia

Country of Origin:

Increasing Incomes of Malian Farmers: Is Elimination of U.S. Subsidies the Only Solution?

Abstract: In a WTO battle and the press the argument is often made that eliminating US cotton subsidies would have a large effect on the incomes […]

  • Date of Publication: September 2010
  • Author(s): F. Baquedano; J.H.Sanders; J.Vitale
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Capacitan a Panificadores Para Utilizar Sorgo

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 6/7/2010
  • Author(s): Roxana Ortiz
  • Type of Document: Newspaper Article