Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Agricultural climate change impact: General concerns and findings from Mali, Kenya, Uganda, and Senegal

This paper discusses concerns about the impact of climate change on agriculture. Methods for assessing the impacts of climate change and the results from impact assessments […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): T. Butt; J. Angerer; P. Dyke; M. Kim; R. Kaitho; J. Stuth
  • Type of Document: Media

Agricultural diversification and integrated pest management in Bangladesh.

We study factors associated with a shift toward diversified, high-valued vegetable crops and the incentives associated with the use of IPM methods for vegetable producers in […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): C. Mahmoud; G. E. Shively.
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Agricultural intensification, local labor markets, and deforestation in the Philippines

Abstract: This paper examines agricultural intensification and its impact on deforestation in a frontier region of the Philippines. Panel data covering the period 1994-2000 are used […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): G. Shively; S. Pagiola
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

An Introduction to the Conceptual Basis of RUPES: Rewarding upland poor for the environmental services they provide

Summary: Payments for environmental services are normally discussed in terms of ‘buyers’ and ‘sellers’ – as if there are only two sides of a coin. Taking […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. Van Noordwijk; F. Chandler; T.P. Tomich
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Analysis multitemporal de cambio del uso del suelo en la region andina del canton Cotacachi entre los anos 1963 y 2000

OBJETIVOS: desarrollar un mapa de cobertura vegetal para los anos 1963, 1978, 1993 y 2000 para una superficie de 21902 ha; caracterizar las diferentes categorias de […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): X. Zapata Rios; R. Rhoades; M. Salcedo
  • Type of Document: Media

Analyzing changes in productivity and carrying capacity under planned grazing in Madiama Commune, Mali (West Africa)

This presentation addresses the problems of overgrazing and degradation of pasture land. Policies that can increase pasture productivity and improve the carrying capacity and soil quality […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): O. Badini; C. Stockle; J. Jones; M. Bostick; A. Kodio; M. Keita
  • Type of Document: Media

Application of PCARES in locating the soil erosion Hotspots in the Manupali River Watershed

In this presentation the author covers: GIS mapping of land attributes, dynamic modeling of soil erosion at watershed scale using PCARES (Predicting Catchment Runoff and Soil […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): E. Paningbatan
  • Type of Document: Media

Atlas digital del Canton Cotacachi

Muchas instituciones y proyectos vinculados con la planificacion y la investigacion, han producido informacion valiosa que identifica problemas y potencialidades para el manejo de recursos naturales […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): Not Available
  • Type of Document: Media

La cultura, los bosques, y los cambios en el paisaje: Cotacachi, Ecuador

Cuales son las actitudes y opiniones de la gente indigena en una comunidad de Cotacachi, sobre los bosques nativos y bosques sembrados  especialmente sobre los […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): A. Carse
  • Type of Document: Media

Community-led watershed-based water resources management: The case of Balian, Pangil, Laguna

Abstract: In Balian, the presence of indigenous institutions borne by a well entrenched and historically rooted and highly developed sociopolitical arrangement has enabled the local community […]

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): A. Contreras
  • Type of Document: Research Report