Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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The effect of internal human conflicts on forest conservation and sustainable development in Kenya

Sustainable management of forest resources in Kenya will only be possible if we practice good governance of the forest resources; which calls for the respect for […]

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): P.O. Ongugo; E.A. Obonyo; J.N. Mogoi; V.O. Oeba
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Examining the roles of community forest associations (CFAs) in the decentralization process of Kenyan forests

The Introduction of Participatory Forestry Management (PFM) in Kenya from 1997 has led to formation of community based organizations which have come to be referred to […]

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): P.O. Ongugo; J.N. Mogoi; E. Obonyo; V.O. Oeba
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Transboundary management of natural resources and the importance of a “One Health” approach: Perspectives on Southern Africa

This book chapter develops the concept that wildlife, livestock, and human health are all interrelated. In the “one health” approach, Osofsky (et al.) argue that it […]

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): S.A. Osofsky; D.H.M. Cumming; M.D. Kock
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

The working for water programme: Evolution of a payments for ecosystem services mechanism that addresses both poverty and ecosystem service delivery in South Africa

South Africa’s government-funded Working for Water (WfW) program is a payments for ecosystem services (PES) initiative to improve the biodiversity, land potential, and hydrologic function of […]

  • Date of Publication: 2008
  • Author(s): J.K. Turpie; C. Marais; J.N. Blignaut
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Katoma, Nahunda

Country of Origin:

CCRA-2: Watershed Modeling and Assessment

The goal of this activity is to enhance the impact of SANREM CRSP’s LTRA projects by providing technical support and a comparative framework in watershed modeling […]

  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2009
  • Project Code: CCRA-2
  • Lead University:

A cheaper plan to stop poaching: Give them real jobs

This article describes Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) initiative in Zambia’s Luangwa River Valley to promote conservation by addressing the reasons poachers hunt. COMACO – Community Markets […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): J.J. Schatz
  • Type of Document: Newspaper Article

A Cornell initiative to promote food security and rural livelihoods in Zambia: The food processing component

This presentation gives an Overview of the Cornell project in Zambia with respect to the issues surrounding food processing. The presentation uses many pictures to convey […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): S. Moraru
  • Type of Document: Media

A simulation-based analysis of productivity and soil carbon in response to time-controlled rotational grazing in the West African Sahel region

In the Sahel region of West Africa, the traditional organization of the population and the grazing land avoided overexploitation of pastures. Since independence in the 1960s, […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): O. Badini; C.O. Stöckle; J.W. Jones; R. Nelson; A. Kodio; M. Keita
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Achieving biodiversity conservation through food security and rural livelihoods in Zambia: The COMACO model

This presentation Outlines the fact that the problems facing conservation are the same problems facing rural development. It gives a background on the history of conservation […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): A. Travis
  • Type of Document: Media