Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Replicating Models of Institutional Innovation for Devolved, Participatory Watershed Management

To provide tools for decision-makers and stake- holders to better integrate environmental knowledge with technical and institutional innovations to enhance the management of natural resources at […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: SEA 99-34
  • Lead University:

Capability Building for Natural Resource Management at the Local Level

In an effort to arrest environmental degradation in the Manupali watershed and promote sustainable practices, the human resources capability building and enhancement program was developed. The […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: SEA 99-42
  • Lead University:

Technical and Institutional Innovations to Evolve Agroforestry Systems for Sustainable Agriculture and the Management of Protected Ecosystems in the Framework of a Watershed Model

Human settlements within or close to the boundaries of the Kitanglad Nature Park (KNP), a protected area with high endemism of fauna and vascular flora in […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: SEA 99-44
  • Lead University:

Weather Monitoring Using Automatic Weather Stations

Automatic weather stations (AWS), installed at three different altitudes in the Manupali watershed in the Philippines, provide detailed data about local climatic conditions that can be […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: SEA 99-22
  • Lead University:

Cattle and Manure Management Strategies to Increase Soil Phosphorus Level in Western Niger

Soil fertility depletion on smallholder farms is considered to be one of the fundamental causes for the declining food production in Africa. Results from a Participatory […]

Workshop on Conflict and NRM: Emerging Lessons and Directions from West Africa

Emerging strategies to manage conflict and natural resources in the Sahel were reviewed and discussed at a SANREM- sponsored workshop in Mali in February 2000. This […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: WAF 99-05
  • Lead University:

Creation and Support of a Commune-Level NRM Advisory Committee

Supra-village natural resource management (NRM) issues and conflicts identified during the PLLA (February 1999) and the decentralization of NRM decision-making responsibilities to the Commune-level require that […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: WAF 99-06
  • Lead University:

Testing and Demonstrating Natural Resource and Conflict Management Technologies and Practices to Increase Food Security and Income Generation in Madiama Commune, Mali

Food shortages and conflict over the use of natural resources due to loss of soil fertility, increases in soil erosion and the poor management of wetlands […]

Modeling Community Socioeconomic Linkages and Growth: Towards Sustainable NRM Agropastoral Systems Under Environmental Stress and Conflict

Natural resource management (NRM) strategies that produce desirable biophysi- cal results and promise region-wide economic growth and development are most likely to be sustainable in the […]

  • Start Date: N.D.
  • End Date: N.D.
  • Project Code: WAF 99-04
  • Lead University:

Development of Sustainable Production Systems for Different Landscape Positions in the Manupali Watershed

The need for optimal land use strategies has never been greater than at present, considering land degradation statistics and increased population pressure on limited resources. The […]