Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Evaluacion de la perdida productiva y economica por la erosion hidrica en tres sistemas de produccion en la microcuenca del rio Alumbre, Provincia Bolivar, Ecuador

Paper discusses soil loss measurements from three different production systems in Ecuador and estimates the yield losses (and subsequent income losses) from this erosion.

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): E. Cruz; E. Chela; C. Monar; F. Valverde; Y. Cartagena
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Experiences in integrated management of natural resources in the sub-watershed of the Chimbo River, Ecuador

As is typical of many rural areas in developing countries, the Andean region of Ecuador is characterized by extreme poverty, owing to low agricultural productivity, limited […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): V. Barrera; E. Cruz; J. Alwang; L. Escudero; C. Monar
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Finding means to promote the integrated management of natural resources in the Chimbo River sub watershed, Ecuador

Powerpoint presentation made at ASABE annual meetings, EARTH University, Costa Rica, February 2010.

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): V. Barrera; E. Cruz; J. Alwang; L. Escudero; C. Monar
  • Type of Document: Media

Gestion Integrada de Cuencas como mecanismo para el manejo y conservacion de los recursos naturales dentro de la subcuenca del rio Chimbo

INDICE: Variabilidad y cambia climatico Impacto del clima Calentamiento Ecuador Tendencia de lluvias en America del Sur Cambio futuro temperatura y precipitacion Impactos climaticos en la […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): E. Cruz
  • Type of Document: Media

Conservation agriculture for food security in the Philippines

This brochure describes the project to promote Conservation Agriculture as a technologically-feasible, economically-viable, environmentally-sustainable and gender-responsive production system that will contribute to food security of small […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): University of the Philippines - Los Banos
  • Type of Document: Project Document

DMC development in Cambodia: A tool for economic and territory development

This presentation calls for a comprehensive plan for future development to protect the natural resources and promote agricultural and rural development in Cambodia. For development to […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): S. Boulakia
  • Type of Document: Media

Desarrollo de enfoques para la adaptacion de pequenos productores a la agricultura de conservacion

Un sistema de conocimiento es muy efectiva para la transferencia de tecnologia porque las tecnicas adaptivas consisten de hacer, reflexionar, y cambiar. Tambien presento en ingles […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): K.M. Moore; with M.E. Christie
  • Type of Document: Media

Developing approaches for smallholder adaptation of conservation agriculture

A network with a local knowledge base and supporting partners is very important to technological change in agriculture. Learning by doing, reflecting, and accommodating is an […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): K.M. Moore
  • Type of Document: Media

Publishing your research in the SANREM Knowledgebase (SKB)

This presentation explores the purpose and progress of the SANREM Knowledgebase (SKB) as well as steps on how to make a correct entry into the SKB. […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): C.B. Heatwole Shenk; L. Moore
  • Type of Document: Media


This presentation gives an Overview of the Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP). The SANREM CRSP utilizes a systems approach […]

  • Date of Publication: 2010
  • Author(s): M.J. Mulvaney; with T. Dillaha; K. M. Moore
  • Type of Document: Media