Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Combinaison de l’experience regionale et de la gestion holistique pour la recherche d’alternatives d’amelioration de la fertilite du sol de la commune de Madiama

Abstract: Holistic Management provides a framework for diagnosing causes and prescribing General cures for natural resource degradation. In Madiama, holistic management exercises have identified the Nutrient […]

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): B. Traore; O. Samake; O. Badini
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Morpho-Pedological Survey of Madiama Commune, Djenne Cercle, Mali

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): O. Badini; L. Dioni
  • Type of Document: Research Report

SANREM CRSP Rapport de Mission: 2-17 fevrier

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): A. Nadif
  • Type of Document: Project Document

Linking with SANREM CRSP – West Africa Annotated Bibliographic Database Users

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): C. Ampagoomian; K. Moore
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Etude Morpho-Pedologique et cartographie de la Commune de Madiama, Cercle de Djenne, Mali

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): O. Badini; L. Dioni
  • Type of Document: Research Report