Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Efecto de aplicacion de abonos organicos y quimicos sobre la fertilidad del suelo en el cultivo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum) en el Altiplano Norte de la Paz

El trabajo de Enmiendas organicas se desarrolla en tres comunidades del municipio de Ancoraimes (Cohani, Chinchaya y Chojnapata), correspondiente a la provincia Omasuyos del departamento de […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): E. Herrera; R. Miranda; P. Motavalli; M. Penaranda
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Efecto de la aplicacion de abonos organicos y quimicos sobre la fertilidad del suelo en el cultivo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum)

Summary: objectives, treatments, activities and preliminary results of the project that evaluates the effects of organic and chemical fertilizers application on potato production soil’s fertility (Solanum […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): E.A. Herrera
  • Type of Document: Media

Negotiating watershed services

In response to the disappointing results of many regulatory or public investment approaches to watershed management, payments for environmental services has emerged as a new mechanism […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): R.A. Hope; I. Porras; M. Borgoyary; M. Miranda; C. Agarwal; S. Tiwari; J.M. Amezaga
  • Type of Document: Research Report

PES in Asia: Trends, lessons learned, best practices, and knowledge gaps

Abstract: Payment for environmental services programs across Asia are still at a relatively nascent stage and few cases of functioning PES markets actually exist. However, a […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): M. Huang
  • Type of Document: Media

Watershed-based payment for environmental services in Asia

Few mature PES programs actually exist in Asia. While premature to conclude just how effective these schemes are, this assessment provides an Overview of the lessons […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): M. Huang; S.K. Upadhyaya
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Payments for watershed services: Opportunities and realities

Many nations have found that regulatory approaches to land and water management have a limited impact. An alternative is to create incentives for sound management under […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): I. Bond
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Globalization and the poverty-environment link in Asian agriculture

Abstract: More than thirty years ago, the green revolution helped tropical Asia to forestall widespread poverty and also slowed the rate of agricultural expansion into forested […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): I. Coxhead
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

The profitability of forest protection versus logging and the role of payments for environmental services (PES) in the Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

This article analyzes the profitability of protecting forests with PES (payments for environmental services) versus the profitability of logging in the Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce, Costa […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): E. Ibarra Gene
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Contribuciones de ciencias economicas a la investigacion agropecuaria

Powerpoint presentation. Summary: A presentation to General agricultural scientists about the use and abuse of economic analysis.

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): J. Alwang
  • Type of Document: Media

SANREM Baseline Survey Questionnaire for Tiraque Bolivia

This questionnaire was used for the SANREM baseline survey in Tiraque Bolivia during 2007. This survey was enumerated to 400 households in the SANREM focal watershed […]

  • Date of Publication: 2007
  • Author(s): J. Alwang
  • Type of Document: Project Document