University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Brion, Lillian

Country of Origin:

Gardner, John

Country of Origin:

Roder, Walter

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Agronomy and Cropping Systems

This project focused on determining the water use efficiency of grain sorghum and pearl millet following soybeans in rotation. Study the ”rotational effect” in grain sorghum-soybeans […]

Mineral Uptake and Utilization in Sorghum and Pearl Millet

Experiments were conducted in Mali and Niger to determine nitrogen response of sorghums and pearl millets in several locations.

Mechanisms of Drought and High Temperature Resistance in Sorghum and Pearl Millet

This project sought to understand the basic physiological factors involved in plant stress resistance and susceptibility.

Breeding Sorghum for Developing Countries

This project aims to use the variability created from crosses between two complementary germplasm groups–recently bred high yield tropical food quality sorghums and elite U.S. lines–in […]

Breeding Pearl Millet for Developing Countries

The principal objectives of this project are to supply collaborating scientists at LDC locations with both useful genetic material and information on how best to select […]

Aggour, –

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Aceves-Navarro, Lorenzo

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