Natural Resource Management

Conflict and natural resource management in agricultural and pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa: A review of the literature, key informant perspectives and lessons learned

Recurrent drought-with its concurrent threat of climatic change, advancing desertification and the deteriorating natural resource base – have heightened fears of increased conflict among populations in […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): K. Moore; D. Kabore; B. Gnoumou; M. Bertelsen
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Conflit et gestion des ressources naturelles dans les systems agraires et pastoraux des regions arides et semi-arides de l’afrique de l’ouest

La secheresse endemique – avec sa menace concourante de changement climatique, de desertification avancee et de deterioration de la base des ressources naturelles  ont intensifie […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): K. Moore; D. Kabore; B. Gnoumou; M. Bertelsen
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Natural resource management institution building in the decentralizing context of West Africa: the SANREM CRSP approach

Abstract: A far-reaching restructuring is beginning to take place in West Africa. There is General recognition in the region that central governments are poorly placed to […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): K. Moore; M. Bertelsen; L. Diarra; A. Kodio; S. Cisse; P. Wyeth
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Ethnoecology : Situated Knowledge/Located Lives

Table of Contents 1. Introduction. A View from a Point: Ethnoecology as Situated Knowledge / Nazarea 2. The Value of Subsistence for the Future of the […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): V. Nazarea (ed.)
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Defining culturally relevant indicators: What are we waiting for?

Abstract: Nazarea et al respond to comments made by Marlor et al regarding their paper on defining culturally relevant indicators in relation to natural resources.

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): V. Nazarea; R. Rhoades; E. Bontoyan; G. Flora
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Catch the tiger by the tail: Some notes on method

Abstract: Nazarea et al respond to criticisms over their use of modified Thematic Apperception Tests for eliciting culturally relevant indicators of sustainability and quality of life.

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): V. Nazarea; R. Rhoades; E. Bontoyan; G. Flora
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Soil development and fertility characteristics of a volcanic slope in Mindanao, the Philippines

This study analyzes thirteen pedons from four geomorphic regions (alluvial terraces, lower footslopes, upper footslopes, mountains) to investigate the relationship between soil development and soil fertility […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): D. Poudel; L. West
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Erosion and productivity of vegetable systems on sloping volcanic ash-derived Philippine soils

Soil erosion is a significant threat to agricultural productivity on sloped lands. This paper assesses the effectiveness of several different soil conservation practices for vegetable systems […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): D. Poudel; D. Midmore; L. West
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Sustainability of commercial vegetable production under fallow systems in the uplands of Mindanao, the Philippines

This paper assesses the dynamics affecting the land use of upland commercial vegetable production systems by evaluating the soil quality of fallowed farm land in northern […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): D. Poudel; T. Nissen; D. Midmore
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Coping with El Nino, 1998: An investigation in the upland community of Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines

This report contains the results of the survey of households in Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines that captured the production and other household data for the first half […]

  • Date of Publication: 1999
  • Author(s): A. Rola; C. Tabien; I. Bagares
  • Type of Document: Research Report