Breeding Sorghum for Developing Countries


Project Code:

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Not Available

Not Available

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Lead University:

Other Partners:
Collaborating Scientists' Institutions: Agricultural Research Station (Botswana); SADCC/ICRISAT (Zimbabwe); INRAN (Niger); CNRA (Senegal); ICRISAT (India); Texas A&M University, Kansas State University, University of Georgia (US)

Principal Investigator(s):
David J. Andrews

Co-Principal Investigator(s):


This project aims to use the variability created from crosses between two complementary germplasm groups–recently bred high yield tropical food quality sorghums and elite U.S. lines–in collaborative projects with LDC scientists and to produce lines for domestic consumption. A collaborative breeding project has commenced in Botswana, where progeny of crosses with drought tolerant Segaolane (and other similar varieties) and U.S. B-lines have succeeded through three years of severe drought. These progeny have potential as varieties per se or as seed parents, the production of hybrids being a supported objective of the national program. The progeny from these and other crosses are being further selected in the U.S., and will be tested for drought/heat tolerance. Segments of this material will support breeding programs in collaborating countries, and be released in the U.S.


A principal aim of this project is to introduce and utilize newly bred high yielding tropical food quality sorghums which have so far not been widely used in U.S. breeding programs. Utilization will be mainly through selection of progeny from crosses with superior U.S. lines. Appropriate parts of this variability in early generations will be used to support breeding projects in developing countries, and in the U.S. to develop new varieties and parental lines.


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