Crop, Soil and Water management to optimize Grain Yield and Quality for Value- Added Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa


Project Code:
UNL 101

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Not Available

Not Available

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Lead University:

Other Partners:
Hombola Research Station (Tanzania); University of Nebraska-Lincoln (US); Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research, Melkassa Agricultural Research Center, Axum University, International Water Management Institute (Ethiopia); Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM) (Mozambique); AGRA (Kenya)

Principal Investigator(s):
Charles Wortmann

Co-Principal Investigator(s):


The goal of this project is to improve food security and market development of sorghum and pearl millet in ESA through research, institutional capacity building and technology dissemination. Soil fertility and water management for sorghum production will be improved in the United States


1. Enhancement of institutional capacity for soil and water management research and technology dissemination in ESA through graduate degree and short-term training, and technical support. 2. Increased productivity of sorghum based cropping systems through better crop, soil, water and weed (striga) management including: verification and/or promotion in Ethiopia of tied-ridge and skip-row planting, combined with soil fertility management; soil fertility management, tillage and striga management research and extension in Uganda, Tanzania, and Mozambique; and improved responsiveness to variable weather conditions. 3. Enhanced demand for sorghum with activities in Uganda and Ethiopia on feeding of livestock and grain supply to breweries. 4. These objectives support the overall vision of the Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains CRSP to improve food security, enhance farm income, and improve economic activity in the major sorghum and pearl millet producing countries in Africa. 5. We will address the objectives of the SMOG CRSP in ESA and the USA primarily by: 1) facilitating market expansion for sorghum and pearl millet; 2) increasing yield level and stability through crop, soil and water management while sustaining the natural resource base through research and extension (including for striga management); and 3) improving research and extension capacity through effective partnerships with diverse agencies.


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