Integrated Soil, Water, Nutrient and Crop Management Strategies for Improving Productivity in Sorghum and Millet Based Cropping Systems
Project Code:
KSU 104
Start Date:
End Date:
CRSP Phase:
Not Available
Not Available
Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger
Lead University:
Kansas State University
Other Partners:
Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI)
Principal Investigator(s):
P.V. Vara Prasad
Co-Principal Investigator(s):
Scott Staggenborg
The goal of this project is to improve and intensify cropping systems to help transform sorghum and millet from subsistence to cash crop status, generate more income and provide food security. In the first year, farmers’ practices, preferences and perceptions of various soil, water and crop management practices were identified. Low soil fertility, drought, striga infestation and lack of suitable varieties were major concerns of farmers in this region. Based on these perceptions, both on-farm and on-station experiments were initiated to transfer existing technologies and to test new packaged technologies to improve yields in sorghum and millet based cropping systems. Some of these technologies include dissemination of moisture conservations (e.g., zai, halfmoon, grass bunds, tied ridges and no-tillage system), cropping systems (rotations such cowpea
1. Improve farmers' participation and innovation for new technologies 2. Identify improved crop, soil and water management practices to intensify and increase productivity of sorghum and millet based cropping systems 3. Integrate various technologies (fertilizer, water management and genotype) into packages and test them under on-farm and on-station conditions 4. Increase cropping area under improved package of practices and provide economic stability to poor farmers
Coming soon